Marine Power & Servicing
  • 728170-11700 1GM complete cylinder head assembly

728170-11700 1GM complete cylinder head assembly

  • £1,107.98 (incl.VAT)

  • Availability: In Stock

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Complete cylinder head fits all 1GM & 1GM10's. The head is assembled with new valves, stem seals and springs. You will need to swap over/renew the injector, combustion chamber, temperature alarm switch, exhaust mixing elbow and thermostat.
In addition to the cylinder head assy you may also require some or all of these addditional parts to fit the new cylinder head:

128171-01911 Cylinder head gasket 1GM10 (9hp)
128170-01331 Cylinder head gasket 1GM (7.5hp)
104211-49160 Thermostat/Anode gasket
128170-13530 exhaust mixing elbow 1GM's/2GM's
128170-13201 Exhaust mixing elbow gasket
105582-49200 GM/HM thermostat (raw water)
2x 124950-11450 Pre-combustion chamber seal washer GM's
128275-11500 Injector heat-shield cover GM's
128275-11490 Injector heat-shield GM's
24341-00260 Injector o-ring GM's
128170-11310 1GM rocker cover gasket
104884-59170 8mm extra thick copper washer
3x 23414-080000 8mm copper washer
128275-91340 temp alarm switch (65°C) raw water GM's & HM's.


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